It’s BROKE So Fix It ASAP!

A person can love you with all their heart and soul but when you begin to cease doing what you did to get them you are brewing a nasty stew.

When you are told several times that you have situations to fix in your relationship you better try or end it. A person that is willing and loves you will say,  “Hey, XYZ is not working and we need to make changes that show that they are in it to win it. Then proceeds to say, “What can I do to help make this work?” Now that is a keeper!

Otherwise, they would say nothing. But the twist to that is after a while they will grow tired and stop trying.  Please don’t act surprised when you see the change in them based on your lack of willingness to fix XYZ. I’ve learned that change can be sudden or implemented slowly-depending on the individual’s sense of urgency to eradicate the “situation”.

Life is too short to keep stringing a person along when you have no intention of improving the situation. When you are told a million times that there are situations that need to be addressed that are causing strain on the future of your relationship if you care you will do whatever it takes to improve. The banger is when the person that brought the situation to your attention tries to make things better through “actions” not false promises and in return you are unresponsive.

This is when the “situation” begins to escalate into a pot of burned stew permeating the house with a dreadful smell.  But the love this person has for you is strong and they are willing to keep trying in spite of. WOW! Even Jesus Christ sees their efforts.

When asked what do you think the”situation” is, the worse thing you can say is “I don’t know.” Even Stevie Wonder can see what the situation is.  How can we fix it “I don’ t know”…Well, it sounds like you don’t know much of anything and basically doesn’t really give a flake. An action is a resolution to any situation whether you chose to stay or actually take actions to make things work.

You can bump your gums all day long but if you are not moving toward communicating and making that situation better you are in for a life of unhappiness. Rejection hurts when it’s a person that you believe loves you.

Please give your feedback…It would be great to know your perspective.


Patty Cakes!




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